Nirvana rock song that Disliked the music industry

News Nirvana rock song that Disliked the music industry

‘Serve the Servants’ – Nirvana

The success of Nirvana was both a dream come true and the worst nightmare of Kurt Cobain. Although he may have loved the idea of being in a popular band that toured around the world, the baggage that came with it, along with feelings of selling out, had started to get to Cobain the minute that ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ started going mainstream. Cobain wouldn’t make that mistake again, and the kickoff to In Utero was a firm shot at what the fame machine had done to him.

Opening with a barrage of guitar screeching, Cobain isn’t even trying to hide his spite, saying that he made his profits off of teenage angst and now he doesn’t know what to do now that he’s at the top of the mountain. Nirvana was now an empire, though, so Cobain says that he has no choice but to serve his new audience, even though they are far from the cool indie kids who loved him back in the day.

While In Utero was meant to be a harsh listen, it’s almost ironic that the ‘Serve the Servants’ is still fairly catchy, even with a guitar solo that’s trying its best to sound like one of the most discordant noises in the entire song. Cobain probably knew that anything he released after Nevermind would take off, so he may as well be honest when he still has the ear of the public.

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