Paul McCartney Is The Ideal Artist To Follow U2 At The Sphere

U2 inaugurated Las Vegas’s newest concert venue, the Sphere, in mid-2023 with a sold-out residency. The Irish rockers have extended their run at the space, and they now have dates stretching into this coming spring. After that, the schedule is nearly wide open, and the booking team behind the multi-billion dollar space needs to find headliners who can bring in 20,000 people per night.

Many names have been thrown around as possible replacements for U2 after they conclude their top-grossing U2:UV Achtung Baby Live at Sphere residency. Paul McCartney is included in a roundup of acts who have reportedly been reached out to by the Sphere’s bookers. While he has yet to confirm—at least publicly—the former Beatle would be a fantastic choice for the venue.

McCartney isn’t just a great fit for the Sphere—he would be excellent in almost any room, in any setting. The rocker can perform for small crowds or hundreds of thousands. He’s played to intimate gatherings, award shows, music festivals, and everything in between. Few people have the experience that McCartney has accrued throughout his decades as a musical superstar, and he can put on a show like no one else. Add in the technological possibilities offered by the Sphere, and excellence is sure to ensue.

Hiring McCartney to play at the Sphere would also cement the venue’s status as a place for legends. U2 is one of the most successful rock bands of all time, and McCartney is perhaps the most beloved artist living today. The only other name to sign on to perform at the Sphere, Phish, hasn’t quite reached the same heights, but they are adored and incredibly popular in their own circles. If the marketing team behind the new domed concert space in Las Vegas wants to ensure it’s regarded as a must-play destination for the elite in the music world, bringing on a Beatle would certainly be a way to continue to perpetuate that idea.

Bringing McCartney into the Sphere would also help the people behind the scenes when it comes to finding that next act. The bookers have been slow to announce new talents and events, and in the months since U2 opened the venue, only Phish has been revealed as the next to perform there. If McCartney were to set up a home and play for several shows, his allure and legacy may attract other stars to think about their own residency a bit more seriously.

McCartney is also a highly prized musician for a city like Las Vegas based not only on his talent and songbook but who his fans are. The former Beatle would bring hundreds of thousands of older ticket buyers to the town, and that’s what many hotel, restaurant, and casino owners want to hear. Those with more disposable income—who are usually older—are welcomed warmly in Las Vegas, and anyone who can get them there, such as McCartney, should be courted properly by booking people in the town.

So far, the Sphere’s schedule is looking pretty light. U2 wraps their residency in March, and after that, Phish takes over, but only for a few days. Following the jam band, there is nothing planned at the venue, and the spring is coming up fast. The team behind the Sphere should make an announcement soon if they want fans to be able to book hotels and travel, as well as to buy concert tickets. McCartney’s name is still included in the conversation, but whether he’ll agree to the job is yet to be seen.

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