Why did Kurt Cobain hate ‘Bleach’ so much?

Why did Kurt Cobain hate ‘Bleach’ so much?

The world could always count on late Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain for a surprising opinion. He was one of music’s ultimate realists and, in his time, kept fans and the media on their toes by being the most self-aware rockstar of his day. Sardonic, humble and most importantly, honest, this nature made him such a compelling figure, alongside his era-defining music.

After all, it was Cobain who was the most critical of his band’s definitive 1991 hit ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, after the trio had been catapulted to success and the frontman was being lauded as the spokesperson of his generation. He told Rolling Stone in 1994: “The reason it gets a big reaction is people have seen it on MTV a million times. It’s been pounded into their brains. But I think there are so many other songs that I’ve written that are as good, if not better”.

This self-aware attitude towards his most famous song might have been different had Cobain and Nirvana not experienced such immense fame and ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ had not landed in the way it did. Yet, this wasn’t the only effort he would come to loathe. In time, and undoubtedly owing to its commercial triumph, Cobain would also be critical of the album that produced the hit song, Nevermind. Accordingly, he and the band sought to change the production style of their 1993 follow-up, In Utero, by hiring the punk super producer Steve Albini, who would indeed forgo its refined nature for something much rawer.

It’s clear, though, that Cobain was a true creative in that as he continued to develop and metamorphose as an artist, so did his tastes and opinions. This came alongside the impact extraneous factors such as fame had on his perception. He made it clear that he even came to hate the band’s breakout album, 1989’s Bleach – the only record they released on Sub Pop – which arrived when they were still an underground act, only known by those with their ears closest to the ground.

When speaking to Melody Maker in 1990, Cobain clarified his thoughts on Bleach, saying that he hated it “so much now”.

He explained: “Yeah, TAD were in the studio at the time and we called them up and asked if we could come over and record the song during their lunch break. It took about an hour and we used their instruments while they sat around eating. But that’s nothing new, and we approached the recording of “Bleach” like it was a radio session. The key to a successful album is the get the fuck out of the studio before you’re sick of the songs. I hate Bleach so much now.”

Even Dave Grohl, who had been in the band less than two months, appeared to be growing tired of the sludge masterpiece. He said: “I still love the album, but that’s probably because I’ve only been in the band for six weeks. I’m sure I’ll get sick of it soon.” Cobain then added pointedly: “So am I.”

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