Apple TV+ announce new John Lennon documentary series

Apple TV+ have announced a new documentary series titled John Lennon: Murder Without A Trial. Kiefer Sutherland narrates the series, while Nick Holt and Rob Coldstream direct.

The series claims to be the “most thoroughly researched examination” of the Beatles songwriter’s murder. For production, the series cleared Freedom of Information Act requests with the New York City Police Department, the Board of Parole and the District Attorney’s Office.

The three-part documentary will also feature unseen crime scene photos and exclusive eyewitness interviews, “shedding new light on the life and murder of music and cultural icon John Lennon, and the investigation and conviction of Mark David Chapman, his confessed killer.”

Interviewees will include Lennon’s friends and Chapman’s lawyers, psychiatrists, detectives and prosecutors.

Apple TV+ are yet to reveal a release date for the new series.

The Beatles recently announced the release of their final song, ‘Now and Then’, originally written and left unfinished by Lennon in the 1970s. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr have finished the song, featuring guitar parts recorded by George Harrison in 1995.

“There it was, John’s voice, crystal clear,” McCartney shared on the new track, “It’s quite emotional. And we all play on it, it’s a genuine Beatles recording. In 2023 to still be working on Beatles music, and about to release a new song the public haven’t head, I think it’s quite an exciting thing.”

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