Ringo Starr’s Epic Clapback To Paul McCartney After He Once Made an Offhanded Joke About The Beatles Drummer’s Sobriety

Paul McCartney once made an offhanded remark about Ringo Starr’s sobriety, leading the drummer to return the favor with an epic clapback.

After years of friendship, The Beatles members Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney have achieved a level of comfort and security achieved over 60 years of familiarity that allows for some fun jabs at one another. However, when Paul once made an offhanded joke about Ringo’s sobriety, the drummer responded with an epic clapback.

The Beatles shared an acerbic style of humor

The Beatles members, John Lennon, McCartney, Starr, and George Harrison, shared an acerbic style of humor. This comedy was displayed in thier first full-length feature film, A Hard Days Night.

Privately, the band members teased one another as a way to get through the insanity that surrounded their personal and private lives and to blow off some steam. Thankfully, they all understood their jokes were in good fun.

Ringo Starr’s had an epic clapback after Paul McCartney once made a joke regarding his sobriety

In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Ringo shared he had been sober since 1988, when he and his wife, Barbara Bach, entered a rehabilitation facility in Arizona for treatment after years of drug and alcohol use. The couple has been married for 40 years.

Ringo said of his former alcohol and drug use, “It gets really lonely, you know? It’s just really cold and lonely. It’s a miserable disease, in the end. There’s a crowd of you, and it’s lonely. Because that’s all you’re doing is getting f*****, you know? But I haven’t been that lonely since.”

Therefore, Ringo was ready with a clapback when Paul made a joke about his sobriety during a dinner with Dave Grohl, Paul, and their wives.

“I was having dinner with him recently in LA with Dave Grohl and our wives,” explained Paul in the same Rolling Stone interview. “I know Ringo has been sober for years, so I joked, ‘C’mon, Ringo, have a whiskey.’ Ringo looked at me for a second and said, ‘What, and end up looking like you?’ I deserved it.”

Today Ringo Starr would rather extol the virtues of broccoli than alcohol

At 82 years old, Ringo has an energetic and youthful appearance that he credits to a lifestyle that includes lots of vegetables and exercise.

“I have broccoli with everything and blueberries every morning. I just do stuff that I feel is good for me,” he told Rolling Stone. However, he does still have one vice, goat cheese.

“I have goat cheese because of the molecule size,” Ringo explained. “You know how you’re always full after a glass of milk? You’re always full because the molecules are huge. Look at a baby cow. Now, a goat is something our body can handle.” He smiles. “And that’s why they think I’m a little crazy.”

In 2018, he told Rolling Stone his vegetarian diet helps him stay “so young and active.”

“I think staying active keeps you young. I do work out. I have a trainer. I’m lively onstage. I have a vegetarian diet. So I just do what I think is good for me, and I’ve been blessed to have the energy to keep it moving.”

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